I just really realized how important it is to have a body and how as members we have the capacity to be truly JOYOUS. Not just happy, but really joyous.
This afternoon at Walmart we saw an interesting advertisement for eye contacts :) They said something along the following, "buy these contacts and have shinier eyes that glow!" something like that. Basically having light in your eyes. My comp and I looked at each other and she said what i was thinking, "Join the Mormon church and be baptized! Its free!."
The scriptures teach that joy is a gift to the righteous. Happiness is a regard when we do what is right and when we live a life that is according to the will of God or when we follow His commandments. I realized how much the world is yearning for it and hope to attain it by monetary means.
I left the light on of our car on Friday night and so Saturday afternoon we discovered the car battery dead. This all happening while it was raining baaaddd. Well we called for our help and it was just so fun. We were outside while it was raining and cold and wet yet...we were happy. I thought of what Elder Nelson said, "Only saints could be happy in any circumstance." I love this and know this. I know we can be happy in any trail or circumstance that we live in. We can suffer with joy and put our trust in God and know that he will do the rest.
I love my mission. I see miracles every day and i see the hand of the Lord in all things. It makes me wonder of all the miracles i missed or didn't take notice while i was home. I encourage you all to count the daily miracles and be overcome with love when you realize how much God helps you and is mindful of you.
-Hermana Garcia
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